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dal 05/06/2007
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The park service

Servizio ParchiEstablished in 2004, the Park Service, Nature Protection and Forestry of the Province of Alessandria turns to account the areas of natural interest and of valuable of the territory, the relationship with the parks and protected areas and, the census, the exploitation and the supervision of the provincial trails.

The staff of the Parks and Protected Areas carries out monitoring measures of several areas of the province, studied through the vegetation and wildlife, photographic surveys and GPS surveys, which allow you to capture the traces of the paths and geo-reference sites of natural, historical, architectural and naturalistic importance, creating a general overview of these areas in order to propose the protection and enhancement of it.

The Service also provides support and advice to institutions and organizations wishing to propose safeguard actions and re-evaluation of even small portions of territory.

Since May 2005, the Parks and Protected Areas Service represents the province of Alessandria within the Regional Council for the paths, which is based in Turin, at the Department for Development of Mountain and Forests of the Piedmont Region; this body has the tasks of programming, development, maintenance and improvement of the paths network and climbing routes on the region.

The large amount of data collected so far by officers of the Service, consists of 7,000 digital photos, GPS trail tracks and of the finest features of the natural environment, studies on the flora and fauna, is an important asset for the knowledge of the province; the richness of this information has been attested by a decision of the Provincial Government, which set up the database of the landscape that is continuously updated and expanded.

This web site was created by the need to offer to hikers and nature lovers the opportunity of knowing the territory of our province, through photographs and maps of trails to promote forms of sustainable tourism with low environmental impact.

Servizio Parchi Servizio Parchi