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Settore 1 - Tortona e la Val Curone
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Settore 4 - Alto Ovadese
Settore 5  -  Acqui Terme e le sue valli
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dal 05/06/2007
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Signage and maintenance of paths

The signs of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club), with white-red coloration was formally adopted by the Region of Piedmont pursuant to art. 15 of L.R. 12/2010 and it is commonly used to mark the paths of Hiking Network; in the province of Alessandria, on some paths localized in Ovada area is used the sign of the FIE (Italian Hiking Federation) that uses geometric symbols of yellow color.
Often the signs helps the hiker to follow the route with more confidence and to more easily reach the planned destination; it then becomes a tool to attend more safely the territory.

Segnaletica sentiero

Segnaletica sentiero

The Parks Service, with funding from the Rural Development Programme (P.S.R. 2007-2013) has taken steps to build and install a number of explanatory boards of the Hiking Network on the province territory; also in the Borbera Valley realized the Hiking District "The Stone Villages" with infrastructure of more than 60 km of paths reported by laying boards, signpost tables and markings.
The Service technicians provide ordinary maintenance of trails, too, through the remake of signage to paint, the laying of flags and the cutting of the vegetation.
Segnaletica sentiero
Segnaletica sentiero